Teju Soft Приложения

Gratuity Calculator 1.0
Teju Soft
*****This application is only useful foremployees working for an Indian company and is eligible forGratuity payment****Now compute the gratuity amount you will receive when you quitor retire from the company you are working in. An employee iseligible for Gratuity only if he has 5 or more years of full timeservice.Gratuity is a part of salary that is received by an employeefrom his/her employer in gratitude for the services offered by theemployee in the company. Gratuity is a defined benefit plan and isone of the many retirement benefits offered by the employer to theemployee upon leaving his job. An employee may leave his job forvarious reasons, such as - retirement/superannuation, for a betterjob elsewhere, on being retrenched or by way of voluntaryretirement.
LIC 1.1
Teju Soft
LIC application allows you to maintain yourinsurance policies with Life Insurance Corporation of India (LICIndia). The application allows you to add premium due dates to yourcalendar so that you don't miss your premium payment.
Michio Kaku Fan App 1.0
Teju Soft
This application allows you to readarticles,buy books written by Dr. Michio Kaku.Dr. Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist, best-sellingauthor,and popularizer of science. He’s the co-founder of stringfieldtheory (a branch of string theory), and continues Einstein’ssearchto unite the four fundamental forces of nature into oneunifiedtheory.KeywordsMichio kaku, Einstein, String theory, parallel universe,timetravel, science fiction, time machine, physics, astronomy,Stephenhawking, m theory
Amazing 1000+ Science Facts 1.1
Teju Soft
Amazing Science Facts is a compilation ofover1000+ amazing, cool facts that will blow your mind. It is amusthave application if you are preparing for science quiz ortoimprove your general knowledge.The facts are group under the following categories:1. Animal Facts2. Astronomy Facts3. Body Facts4. Creepy Creature Facts5. Living World Facts6. Planet Earth Facts7. Space Facts8. Technology FactsWe have consciously worked to avoid duplicates andincorrectfacts but if you still find any please feel free to emailusvkslabs@gmail.com.Here are some of the interesting facts1. The largest moon in the Solar System – Jupiter's Ganymede –iseven bigger than planet Mercury.2. After helium and hydrogen, the most common element on the Sunisoxygen.3. Boomerang Nebula is the coldest known place intheuniverse.4. The Moon is moving away from the Earth 3.8 cm every year.5. There are three golf balls on the Moon (left by Apollo14astronaut Alan Shepard in 1971.)6. The largest known star – Westerlund 1-26 – is 2000 timesbiggerthan the Sun.7. The Sun is growing: In 5 billion years it will be 250timesbigger and close enough to swallow up the Earth.8. Proxima Centauri is the nearest star to us after the Sun.9. The star Epsilon Aurigae dims every 27 years due to amysteriousdark object eclipsing it periodically.10. The temperature on Mercury varies so extremely that it willriseup to 430C during the day and drop as low as -140C atnight.11. The largest known star VY Canis Majoris is so big that ifourSun were a ball 117 cm (46 in) wide, Canis Majoris would be2.25kilometres (1.3 miles) wide.12. Despite being closest to the sun, Mercury is not thehottestplanet. The hottest planet is Venus (at 462 Celsius).13. The Pistol Star is the most luminous star known - 10milliontimes the power of the Sun and as big as the size of Earth'sentireorbit around the Sun.14. Crux is the smallest of modern constellations, with only4bright stars.15. Earth is the only planet not named after a Roman orGreekgod.16. Interstellar space is not complete vacuum: there are afewhydrogen atoms per cubic centimetre.17. If a pinhead-size piece of the Sun were placed on Earth,onewould have to stand as far as 145 kilometres (90 miles) away tobesafe.18. The star "Lucy" in constellation Centaurus is actually ahugecosmic diamond of 10 billion trillion trillion carats.19. The moon is one million times drier than the Gobi Desert.20. The moon is 27% the size of the Earth.21. The Earth weighs 6.6 sextillion tons, or 5.97 x 1024 kg.22. Sunlight takes about 8 minutes & 20 seconds to reachtheEarth at 299,792 km/s (186,282 mi/s).23. The star Alpha Herculis is so big that 25 of our entireSolarSystem would have to be placed end to end to equal thestar'sdiameter.24. The star Sirius B is so dense, a handful of it weighsabout454,000 kgs (1 million pounds.)25. The Sun contains over 99.8 percent of the total material(mass)in our Solar System, while Jupiter contains most of therest.This application helps you over come fear of the buzzwords intheastronomy field such as space, cosmos, nasa, ESA, ISRO,Nebula,Comet, Eclipse, Galaxy, Pulsar, Quasar, Singularity, BlackHole,Oort cloud, Gravity, Cluster, Vacuum, Hubble, Exoplanet,Apogee,Light Year, Supernova, Meteorite, Milky way.This application was inspired by Mr. Neil deGrasse Tyson whoisan American astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, andsciencecommunicator.
Teju Soft
Finally an application that provides all the information you needtoknow about India. The application *works offline* hence no needtobe connected to Internet all the time. 1. Bank Details Theappprovides you the following information of more than 150 Banksand90000 branches. • Bank Name • Branch Name • IFSC Code • MICRCode •Contact Details • Address You can search a bank detail byusing thefollowing information • IFSC Code • MICR Code • Location2. PinCode Details The app provides Pincode details of more than40000locations. You can find details of a location by searchingusingPincode or find Pincodes by searching using the locationdetails. •40,000+ Pin Codes 3. STD & ISD Code The app allowsyou toSearch Location by entering the code and you can also findthe codeby entering the location details. • 2500+ STD Codes • 250+ISDCodes 4. Vehicle Registration Details Find the district andRTOdetails for a vehicle registration number. Search by locationtofind the registration numbers for that particular location. •1000+RTO Records. 5. Mobile Number Locator Find the location of amobilenumber using its first 4 digits. Note: The applicationdoesn’tsupport mobile numbers that were ported from a differentcarrier.Please don’t expect the app to provide real time locationofentered mobile number since it is beyond the scope oftheapplication and is a privacy concern. • 1500+ MobileNumberRecords. What is MICR? MICR is an acronym for MagneticInkCharacter Recognition; it refers to the formulation of tonerusedto print the specialized font at the bottom of checks andothernegotiable documents. What is IFSC? The Indian FinancialSystemCode (IFSC Code) is an alphanumeric code that uniquelyidentifies abank-branch participating in the two main ElectronicFundsSettlement Systems in India: the Real Time Gross Settlement(RTGS)and the National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) Systems.
Thirukkural With Explanation 1.1
Teju Soft
The following are the features of the application ✔ Thirukuralwithmeaning both in Tamil and English ✔ Option to set ThirukuralWidgetin your home screen ✔ Option to add Thirukkural as favorite ✔Dailynotification of Thirukkural of the day. ✔ ExplanationofThirukkural in Tamil and English by the following eminentscholarsகலைஞர் உரை மு.வ உரை சாலமன் பாப்பையா உரை பரிமேலழகர் உரைமணக்குடவர்உரை Application requires the following Permissions 1.Internet -For Ads 2. Network State- For Ads If you like this TamilThirukuralapp, please do rate and share it. Your comments andsuggestions canbe sent to vkslabs@gmail.com Thirukkural (also knownas Thirukural)is structured into 133 chapters, each containing 10couplets, for atotal of 1330 couplets. The 133 chapters are groupedinto threesections: 1. Arathupaal (Righteousness) 2. Porutpaal(Wealth) 3.Kamathupaal (Love) A couplet or Kural consists of sevencirs, withfour cirs on the first line and three on the second. Acir is asingle or a combination of more than one Tamil word. Forexample,Thirukkural is a cir formed by combining the two wordsThiruandKural, i.e. Thiru + Kural = Thirukkural. Aram contains380verses, Porul with 700 and Inbam with 250. Thirukural hasbeentranslated in to various languages
Loan EMI Calculator Free 1.2
Teju Soft
EMI Calculator is more than just a calculator to compute yourloanEMI details. The following are the features of the currentversionof the application. 1. Fixed Deposit (FD) Calculator 2.RecurringDeposit (RD) Calculator 3. Rate Of Returns (RoR)Calculator 4. Loandetails Calculator 5. Rate Of Interest (ROI)Calculator EMICalculator is the only application that allows you tocalculate anyof the following values by inputting all other values.1. EMI (LoanInstallment Amount) for given Loan Amount, InterestRate and Tenure2. Loan Eligibility Amount for given Interest rate,tenure and EMIcapacity. 3. Interest Rate for given Loan Amount,Tenure andInstallment Amount. 4. Tenure - Period of loan repaymentfor givenLoan Amount, Interest Rate and Installment Amount.Featuresincludes 1. Table of payment split up. 2. A pie chartdepicting thebreak-up of total payment. 3. Send mail of thecomputation as PDF.EMI Calculator works flawlessly for computingyour personal loan,car loan and home loan details. This is a greattool if you want toplan to calculate the tenure, installment amount(EMI), loaneligibility for your existing loans or if you wish toplan for anew loan. What is Equated Monthly Installment (EMI)? Afixedpayment amount made by a borrower to a lender at a specifieddateeach calendar month. Equated monthly installments are used topayoff both interest and principal each month for a loan, so thatovera specified number of years, the loan is paid off in full. WhatisRecurring Deposit (RD)? Recurring Deposit is a special kind ofTermDeposit offered by banks in India which help people withregularincomes to deposit a fixed amount every month into theirRecurringDeposit account and earn interest at the rate applicableto FixedDeposits. What is Fixed Deposit (FD)? A fixed deposit (FD)is afinancial instrument provided by banks which providesinvestorswith a higher rate of interest than a regular savingsaccount,until the given maturity date. It may or may not requirethecreation of a separate account. What is Rate Of Returns (RoR)?Ameasure of a corporation's profitability that compares netincometo revenue. Return on revenue is calculated by dividing netincomeby revenue. Return on Revenue = Net Income / Revenue. WhatisInterest Rate? The proportion of a loan that is charged asinterestto the borrower, typically expressed as an annualpercentage of theloan outstanding.